Wien 3420 AG

The central point of contact for all matters relating to Seestadt.
Wien 3420 AG is developing a new part of the city which will provide homes for over 25,000 people and more than 20,000 workplaces by the 2030s. Together with its partners, the development agency coordinates all urban planning activities and the building of the infrastructure at Seestadt. The interdisciplinary team have experience in a wide range of relevant fields and act as sparring partners for investors, project developers and companies looking to locate here.
Wien 3420 aspern development AG is responsible for ensuring that Seestadt is equipped with everything a modern business hub needs, from an efficient transport network to a full range of local services and amenities. It also instals all the utility mains for the building plots and operates a logistics centre to ensure sustainable, efficient and thus cost-effective construction.
The name Wien 3420 AG

Executive Board

Gerhard Schuster

Chairman of the Executive Board and CEO
Sales, Marketing, Communications, Human Resources, Finance & Legal Affairs

Robert Grüneis

Member of the Executive Board
Product Development, Property Management, Infrastructure, and Participating Interests

Nicole Bruny

Assistent to Technical Infrastructure
+43 1 774 02 74 – 52

Tanja Bruny-Eichinger

Assistent to Technical Infrastructure
+43 1 774 02 74 – 750

Elisabeth Dunkl

Urban Development
+43 1 774 02 74 – 31

Jakob Eschlböck

Assistant to Communications & Urban Development
+43 1 774 02 74 – 29

Colette Grillowitzer

+43 1 774 02 74 – 53

Christine Hafner

+43 1 774 02 74 – 53

Martin Hesik

Sales / Management Board aspern Seestadt Einkaufsstraßen GmbH
+43 1 774 02 74 – 30

Peter Hinterkörner

Authorized Officer, Head of Planning and Quality Management
+43 1 774 02 74 – 24

Ivan Hlavina

+43 1 774 02 74 – 55

Carina Huber

Urban Development
+43 1 774 02 74 – 26

Marianne Imre

+43 1 774 02 74 – 27

Christoph Kalch

+43 1 774 02 74 – 28

Jakob Kastner

+43 664 84 86 172

Morten Konturek

Urban Development
+43 1 774 02 74 – 26

Roman Koselsky

CEO Wien 3420 Umwelt und Baulog GmbH
+43 664 42 17 579

Melanie-Sina Metzler

+43 1 774 02 74 – 54

Marvin Mitterwallner

Information Centre
+43 1 774 02 74 – 74

Annemarie Müller

+43 664 81 74 580

Andreas Neisen

Urban Development
+43 1 774 02 74 – 38

Nikola Frizberg-Nilsson

+43 1 774 02 74 – 56

Lenka Recek

+43 1 774 02 74 – 37

August Rollwagen

Legal Affairs and Sales
+43 1 774 02 74 – 58

Rupert Schmied

Consultant for Technical Infrastructure and Property Management
+43 1 664 84 86 161

Ingrid Spörk

Head of Marketing, Communications and PR Spokesperson
+43 1 774 02 74 – 39

Claudia Zehentbauer

Assistant to Sales, Communications, Urban Development and Urban Design
+43 1 774 02 74 – 22