

Evaluation, Interim Assessment and System of Objectives for aspern Seestadt

Seestadt sets standards

Projects need names. We at Wien 3420 aspern Development AG, the developer of aspern Seestadt, gave the name EVA to the largest internal project that we have carried out since our company was established. EVA was born over two years ago as a comprehensive evaluation of the project ‘aspern Die Seestadt Wiens’.
EVA is primarily an interim assessment. But it’s also the first phase of a project that runs through every aspect of our work. We always want to know how we are performing and to make this information transparent.
Robert Grüneis, Executive Board of Wien 3420

We have undertaken a detailed evaluation of all that has been achieved so far, accompanied by a team of specialists from Urban Innovation Vienna. Does the urban development meet our ambitious aspirations? How must we adjust or even completely realign our objectives across a wide range of areas in order to master our overall task – the creation of a place in which people can live and do business not only well but also sustainably?

But this process has produced more than an interim assessment. We decided not only to draw up a set of transparent targets, but also to make these measurable with the help of KPIs and to subject the performance of Seestadt to a programme of regular critical assessment. In doing so, we are anticipating mandatory sustainability reporting in terms of ESG and EU taxonomy and setting new standards. The first step of this process has been completed: An initial pilot reporting of selected KPIs is now available. The strategic evaluation process and the system of objectives are as ambitious as the urban development project itself.

We invite everyone who only knows Seestadt from the media to pay a visit and draw their own conclusions. We want to bring more people to Seestadt and provide information to all interested parties. We learn through dialogue – and EVA should provide the factual basis for this.

Gerhard Schuster,
CEO of Wien 3420

EVA is measurable

EVA, the evaluation that took place in 2022, led to a new system of objectives in 2023/2024 and to a commitment to constantly monitor and report upon Seestadt’s future achievements.

The process of strategic evaluation was based on two pillars – the pillar of empiricism and the pillar of benchmarking.

The core of this empirical study was a Deep Dive, during which 116 experts were asked to appraise the qualities of Seestadt and to comment on its potential and the challenges that it faces. This was complemented by our ongoing ‘brand controlling’, a standardised survey of the image attributes of Seestadt that began in the 2000s, as well as the third resident satisfaction survey (‘settlement monitoring’) since 2015.

The pillar of benchmarking will make it possible to improve the objectivity of the project performance vis-à-vis the project objectives and the overarching aims of the City of Vienna. The central output of this pillar is the development of Key Performance Indicators (KPI), on the basis of which the future development of the project will be not only structured but also evaluated and even transparently presented in line with the motto ‘That’s what you should use to judge us’.

A total of eight key strategic objectives were developed in eight areas of activity, with two strategic objectives being assigned to the ‘Sustainability and climate’ area of activity:

  • Urban structure and public space
  • Quality of life and social aspects
  • Sustainability and saving resources
  • Climate sensitivity and resilience
  • Architecture and housing
  • Productive city and innovation
  • Mobility
  • Functional mix and regional context
  • Identity and visibility

Urban structure and public space

Seestadt’s public spaces are the starting point for all planning processes. By commissioning Gehl Architects to draw up the ‘Score for Public Space’ immediately after the conclusion of the master planning process, Wien 3420 underlined its new approach to urban development. It consciously scales public spaces according to use – from generous urban squares, via broad barrier-free pavements that are treated as shared spaces, to more intimate, semi-private courtyards. And one very special place is asperner See – right at the heart of the district.

Strategic Objective:

The public spaces are full of quality, climate-resilient and interact with the private spaces.

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Quality of life and social aspects

Seestadt is planned as a fully-fledged urban district – with a high-quality social infrastructure for all ages and a broad range of services that meets their day-to-day needs. It should offer a high quality of life and enable all its residents to live together in peace and security.

Strategic Objective:

Seestadt offers an excellent quality of life to everyone who lives and works here and enables them to shape their everyday lives in a fulfilling and comfortable way.

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Sustainability and saving resources

Emboldened by the Smart Climate City Strategy and the Vienna Climate Roadmap, Wien 3420 is continuously developing instruments that will enable it to reach Vienna’s climate targets and constantly setting new standards (for itself). During the Deep Dive, experts labelled Seestadt’s buildings, all of which have been certified by the ÖGNB since 2011, as ‘future-proof’.

Strategic Objective:

As a model climate district, aspern Seestadt demonstrates how Vienna can meet its climate targets while fulfilling the requirements for a sustainable lifestyle and treating resources with care.

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Climate sensitivity and resilience

While cities can make a huge contribution to climate protection, they are also particularly exposed to its impact. Due to its geographical location, Vienna is one of the regions of Central Europe most affected by global warming. In other words, the reasons behind the second strategic objective in the area of ‘Sustainability and Climate’ are not specific to Seestadt. But the response certainly is.

Strategic Objective:

aspern Seestadt provides a model for adapting to climate change and maintaining biodiversity.

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Architecture and housing

The architecture of Seestadt should be aesthetically diverse and of the highest technical quality. Buildings in Seestadt are functionally flexible and combine spaces with different requirements, all under one roof. By responding to their surroundings they contribute to the creation of dynamic public spaces. A central objective is to provide affordable and high-quality living space for a range of lifestyles.

Strategic Objective:

aspern Seestadt is dynamic and urban and notable for the high architectural quality and diversity of its cityscape.

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Productive city and innovation

Seestadt is a district with many different functions beyond housing. ‘Work’ underpins half of its core brand. Attracting future-fit businesses and creating an innovative ecosystem has been a central objective of Wien 3420 and one of its parent companies, the Vienna Business Agency, from the very start.

Strategic Objective:

aspern Seestadt is a business location that inspires and stands for progress, innovation and the pioneering spirit.

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It should be possible to live in Seestadt without owning a car. And car ownership in the new district is indeed not only very low compared with the surrounding area, but also continues to fall. Energy-efficient and environmentally-friendly means of transport dominate, as shown by the latest figures for the modal split from the mobility panel of aspern.mobil LAB.

Strategic Objective:

aspern Seestadt guarantees low-CO2, city-friendly, comfortable and safe mobility.

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Functional mix and regional context

From the very start, Wien 3420 has sought to successfully embed Seestadt into its immediate surroundings and integrate it into the wider area. In the medium and long term it should not only ‘service’ this area but act as a dynamic business location within the CENTROPE Region.

Strategic Objective:

aspern Seestadt is a mixed-use district that is integrated into its urban and regional context and has an impact well beyond its borders.

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Identity and visibility

High visibility, strong city branding and the creation of an identity and a community have been priorities since the establishment of Seestadt. Its aspirations: to be seen as a location for research, innovation and development and as an ‘Urban Lab’, to stimulate positive discussion in Austria and abroad and to develop an identity based on participation.

Strategic Objective:

aspern Seestadt enjoys local and international recognition as a model city that has the courage to experiment.

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Seestadt Deep Dive: Endstation U2 – Da, wo Stadt  beginnt (German only)

In the podcast, we talk to experts about urban development as a task for society as a whole.